Põllumäe, P.* and Korjus, H. 2017. Estonian Private Forestry: a Review of Research and Developments. Baltic Forestry 23(3): 724-733 (Review Paper).
This review about research and development of private forestry is based on 23 scientific papers and statistical information related to private forestry in Estonia. Such a broader overview about the developments, current state and future prospects of private forest ownership and management in Estonia has yet to be conducted. The aim of this review is to provide a retrospect on research in this field and describe the different developments in the sector based on the reviewed studies. These studies are categorised into more general topics based on their content – land reform, property and tenure rights, structural changes in forest policy, changing forest owners and ownership and forest management and cooperation. All these issues are discussed in both broader and local contexts. In addition, suggestions are made for future research topics in each case.
Keywords: governance, forest policy, transition, forest management, forest owner.
Belova, O. and Šežikas, K. 2017. Dynamics and Sustainable Use of Moose (Alces alces L.) Population, Baltic Forestry 23(3):711-723 (Review Paper)
The moose (id. European Elk) (Alces alces Linnaeus, 1758) is an inherent component of the forest ecosystem in Lithuania. It is an important game species harvested within its range. Without human intervention, wildlife including moose can increase in numbers up to marked overpopulation followed by disease, starvation and damage caused to forestry. Although nature has its own ways of controlling wildlife populations, these ways could be much less humane that modern hunting. Population management decisions include appropriate harvest levels, timing of hunting seasons, habitat carrying capacity and habitat management practices. We have queried publications and internet-based resources to determine the moose population dynamics and changes predicted for different habitats and conditions. The existing population management models and methodology were analysed.
Keywords: moose population, dynamics, habitats, management, modelling, sustainable use.
Buyuktaskin, H. A, A.*, Aslankaya, G. and Dilmaghani, M. 2017. Load Bearing Timber-Glass Composites: New Opportunities for Turkey. Baltic Forestry 23(3): 698-705.
Nowadays, timber with its natural appearance and glass with its transparent characteristics provide new opportunities for architects and engineers in construction as load-bearing systems. The main aim of presented research is to introduce timber-glass composite structural elements as new products to the Turkish market. A questionnaire method has been evaluated with the timber industries with the aim to gather market insight into the production of timber-glass components in order to query the knowledge of the timber industries about the suitability of timber-glass composite as a structural element. In line with this research, potential architectural design applications called pilot projects are presented by using timber-glass composites as load bearing elements. The pilot projects throughout will provide insights into the practicality and applicability of the developed composite systems in creating different design and application solutions. According to the respondents of the questionnaire, the timber industries in Turkey indicated that load-bearing capacity of timber-glass composite structural elements can be advantageous and the new structural element will be probably able to compete with other alternative structural elements in Turkey.
Keywords: Composite systems, timber-glass composite systems, questionnaire, pilot project, timber industries.
Pajović, I.*, Petrić, D., Bellini, R., Pajović, L. and Quarrie, S. 2017. First record of Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Montenegro. Baltic Forestry 23(3): 706-710 (Brief Report)
The Asian longhorn beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis, native to China and Korea, was found for the first time in Montenegro in the beginning of August 2015. One adult female was captured on an infested willow tree, Salix sp. in a stream bed of village Lastva Grbaljska, in a semi-urban area of Budva municipality (N42°18’25.2”; E18°48’18.2”), Montenegro. Identification of the pest was made on the basis of morphological characters as well as the position of symptoms observed on the tree. Anoplophora glabripennis is on the EPPO A1 List of Pests recommended for regulations of quarantine pests (version 2014-09) No 296. It is a quarantine pest for Europe according to Directive 2000/29/CE and should be treated under urgent measures in the EU by Commission Decision 1999/355. Montenegro has been identified as a high-risk part of Europe, with a pest risk index of 75 using McLeod’s predictive model of pest risk assessment.
Keywords: Asian longhorn beetle, invasive insect, quarantine pest.
Czyżowski, P., Karpiński, M., Zieliński, D.*, Goleman, M., Tajchman, K., Rodzik, B. and Drozd, L. 2017. Influence of Selected Environmental Factors on the Value of Kidney Fat Index (KFI) and Carcass Weight of Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus. Baltic Forestry
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of environmental factors (index of agricultural production quality, forest cover rate, forest fragmentation index, the share of different habitat types, and selected meteorological factors) on the value of kidney fat index (KFI) and carcass weight of roe deer Capreolus capreolus. The research material consisted of 344 individuals of roe deer C. capreolus over the age of 3 years (296 bucks and 48 does). Roe deer for testing were obtained from 15 forest districts in the Lublin region, Poland. The KFI and carcass weight were measured. A multiple regression model was used to assess the impact of a number of environmental factors on the value of KFI in roe deer. The study showed no significant differences in KFI values between bucks and does. Indicators of the body condition of bucks were positively affected by the share of habitats occupied by fresh mixed deciduous forest and the index of agricultural production quality. The share of habitats with fresh coniferous forest and fresh mixed deciduous forest as well as the fragmentation of forests, had a positive influence on the KFI values and carcass weight of does. This study shows that the management of roe deer populations should take into account the impact of landscape structure and habitat quality.
Keywords: Roe deer, KFI, carcass weight, individual condition, quality of habitat.