Belova, O. 2007. VI International Meeting of SNS Network Disturbance Regimes in Changing Environment. Baltic Forestry 13 (2): 245-247 (Chronicle)
International meeting of SNS (Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee) Network Disturbance Regimes in Changing Environment was held in Jaunmokas Palace in Tukums, Tume parish, Tukums region, Latvia on 03 - 06th October 2007.
SNS Network activity is focused on the environmentally friendly forest management, that requires an understanding of the changes in ecosystem including natural disturbance processes and the responses of ecosystems to disturbances. This ecosystem understanding integrates both physical and chemical processes and the adaptations of individual organism. The main subtopics are described. The discussion was focused on further network activities including publication procedure.
Voolma, K. 2007. The XXVII Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology in Uppsala. Baltic Forestry 13 (2): 244-245. (Chronicle)
The XXVII Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology was held in Uppsala, Sweden from July 29 to August 4, 2007. A series of entomological meetings in the Nordic countries was initiated by Swedish entomologists in 1923, when researchers and collectors of insects gathered in Stockholm. From the very beginning these meetings have been arranged in summer. The distinction and significance of these meetings lies in that they inspire and encourage collaboration between professional and amateur entomologists. Traditionally, much attention was paid to conservation issues of threatened insect species. Oral and poster presentations also dealt with various forest entomology topics. Proceedings of the recent Nordic-Baltic Congresses of Entomology were published as a separate book or special issues of an entomological journal
Belova, O. 2007. XXVIIIth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists IUGB (August 13th – 18th 2007, Uppsala/Sweden). Baltic Forestry 13 (2): 241 – 243. (Chronicle)
The object of game management is game animals that have significant formative role in the forest communities as the inseparable part of forest biota. Rapid changes resulting from human activities has got animal populations to adapt to changing over the time primarily through retreat from unfavourable habitats to which they were poorly adapted. They also respond to altered environments through the evolutionary process of natural selection to maintain population fitness.
The International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) encourages the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge in the field of game and wildlife management, the broad field of game biology and international cooperation in game and game management. The XXVIIIth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists IUGB was held in Uppsala, Sweden on 13th - 18th August 2007 seeking to create a bridge among scientists, game managers and authorities and those studying the human dimensions of game management. The importance of the game biology research and of the Congress is revealed.
Voolma, K. 2007. Cultural heritage in the forest: a conference of Baltic Forestry Societies in Saaremaa, Estonia. Baltic Forestry 13 (2): 244 (Chronicle)
The conference was held on the Island of Saaremaa, Estonia on August 23–25, 2007. Members of Forestry Societies and representatives of different forestry institutions from the three Baltic countries usually meet once a year to discuss the recent developments in the forestry sector of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. A traditional annual conference of the Baltic Forestry Societies is described.
Kuliešis, A. 2007. Publication on the Forest and Forestry of Biržai Region. Baltic Forestry 13 (2): 237 – 240. (Book Review)
Leonardas Kairiūkštis, Romualdas Mankus, 2006. Biržu krašto miškai ir mišku ūkis. [Forest and Forestry of Biržai Region]. Monograph. Kaunas. Publishing House LUTUTE, 280 p., iliustr., bibliogr. Lithuanian, English and Russian Summary.
In the Book Review the analysis of the Monograph is conducted. The book has been initiated by the Biržai Forest Enterprise (manager Romanas Gaudiešius) in connection with the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the forest enterprise. The monograph consist of 14 chapters including description and analysis of the nature conditions and history of forestry of the Biržai region; development of forestry and its organization structure; forests resources and their dynamics; forest growing, wood use, amelioration, hunting, forest protection and other activities; results of scientific research, and their implementation into the practice of Birþai region forests. The last two chapters are devoted to the presentation of foresters - specialists who have been working in the Biržai Region as well as their remembrances.
The monograph is a significant contribution to the evaluation of forestry practice, multiple use of the northern part of Lithuania and the input from foresters as well as scientists to the achievements in forestry. The monograph would be very useful for all who are interested in forestry, forests and especially for young foresters and students.