Belova, O. 2008. Lithuanian Summaries. Baltic Forestry, 14 (1): 93-96
Gerasimov, Y. and Karjalainen, T. 2008. Development Program for Improving Wood Procurement in Northwest Russia Based on SWOT Analysis. Baltic Forestry, 14 (1): 87-92
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of wood procurement in Northwest Russia have been analysed from Finnish forest industry perspective and development program for further improvement has been provided. The SWOT analysis of a wood procurement system, where round-wood is conveyed from a stump to a customer mill gate by means of technical and commercial operations that include wood purchasing, logging, storing and logistics, is conducted in this study. The focus for this analysis is in the Northwest regions of the Russian Federation where the Finnish forest industry’s purchasing operations and investments in wood processes are concentrated. This paper describes potential technological, economical, social and environmental impacts on future developments of wood procurement. Issues have been classified and those key issues related to wood supply planning, wood sources, wood markets, logistics, harvesting, environmental responsibility, human resources and social responsibility have been highlighted. Results of the analysis may be used in decision-making.
Key words: Russia, forest industry investments, trade of industrial round-wood, wood harvesting, environmental responsibility, social responsibility
Brukas, V. and Churski, M. 2008. Intensive Forest Researcher Training and its Internationalisation in the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Forestry, 14 (1): 66-74
Based on survey of PhD training coordinators, the paper examines the status of doctoral education at universities dealing with higher forest education in the Baltic Sea region. The primary attention is given to intensive courses and possibilities for joint international training. In total, the survey found around 450 PhD students. In 2005, 39 intensive courses, involving at least 5 students, were organised at the surveyed faculties. 15 courses dealt with topics related specifically to forestry, revealing that an average PhD student has a very limited offer of specialised courses directly connected to the thesis work. Low number of students is seen as a primary hindrance for more intensive course activity at national faculties, while the lack of time and financial incentives for teachers hinder organisation of international PhD courses. Overall, the lack of systematic approach to doctoral forest education is observed. Survey respondents are supportive to joint researcher training activities at the regional level.
Key words: Baltic countries, doctoral forestry education, intensive courses, internationalisation, Nordic countries, Russia
Kawata, Y., Ozolinš, J. and Andersone-Lilley, Ž. 2008. An Analysis of the Game Animal Population Data from Latvia. Baltic Forestry, 14 (1): 75-86
Large carnivores such as the wolf (Canis lupus) and the lynx (Lynx lynx) have never been eradicated in Latvia and their numbers particularly increased from the early 1970s onwards, which brought some conflict between the large carnivores and human interests. Therefore, it has always been a challenge for both gamekeepers and conservationists to reveal relationships between ungulates and large carnivores as well as to figure out relevant implications for their management.
The purpose of this paper is to reveal the above-mentioned relationships using statistical data. Fortunately, statistics on the abundance and hunting bag size of some game species in Latvia have been collected since the early 20th century. The study uses these data to examine four types of relationship within the period of 1958 - 2005: (1) prey-prey relationships between the population estimates of moose (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), (2) predator-prey relationships in the above four ungulate species, wolf and lynx; (3) relationships between the estimated numbers of wolf and lynx; (4) relationships among hunting bags in some of the species listed above. We applied unit root test to check if our statistical results suffered from the spurious correlation. We used regression analysis (dynamic OLS and generalized least square) to reveal statistical findings and examine them from the ecological point of view in order to check the validity of our results.
Our statistical results suggest that (1) For the red deer, roe deer is a competitor and vice versa. For the roe deer, moose is also a competitor in addition to the red deer. For the moose, red deer is a competitor. (2) For the wolf, red deer, roe deer and moose are prey whereas for the lynx, only roe deer is prey. (3) For lynx, wolf is a competitor, but for the wolf, lynx is not. (4) The elasticity of hunting with respect to population size is 2.55%, 0.91%, 2.14, 0.42% and 0.82%, for roe deer, red deer, moose, wolf and lynx respectively. Most of the results are consistent with empirical findings from the field.
Key words: population dynamics; game statistics; game animals, spurious correlation
Soo, T. and Meikar, T. 2008. Higher Forestry Education in Estonia and Latvia before 1920. Baltic Forestry, 14 (1): 58-65
The principal aim of this study is to analyze the opportunities of receiving higher forestry education in Estonia and Latvia before 1920. The study relies on archival documents and published materials originating from the 19th century and from the beginning of the 20th century. The history of higher forestry education in Estonia and Latvia dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. During the 19th century Tartu University and the forestry classes of Jelgava and Riga Polytechnic Schools (Institute) successively provided forestry education. The study characterizes the organizational and theoretical aspects of forestry education in Tartu, Jelgava and Riga and analyzes the opportunities of receiving higher forestry education in Estonia and Latvia before 1920, and the connections, similarities and differences in the education provided.
Key words: higher forestry education, history of Estonian forestry, history of Latvian forestry, Tartu University, Jelgava Gymnasium, Riga Polytechnic Institute