Manuscript arrangement

General: It is recommended that the text of original research paper (research reports) should not normally be longer than 20 printed pages, including tables, illustrations, references and summary. The authors would aim to submit their work, as concisely as possible and longer papers will be accepted under exceptional circumstances. The Brief Reports and Chronicle will be published in addition to submission of the original research papers. The Brief Report may be up to 10 pages. The style should be the same as in original articles. These manuscripts will normally be published quickly after receipt of completed manuscripts. The editors may suggest that manuscripts will be resubmitted in this form. The Chronicle should include brief surveys of the different kind of scientific and respective events etc.

The entire manuscript may be 1.5 spaced, leaving 3.0-cm margin at the left, 2.5 cm on top and bottom. The A4-size paper is most preferred. Submitted papers should be prepared with a font size no smaller than 11 pt for the word-processed manuscripts. Use only Normal style settings. Other unusual formatting (including capitalisation, multiple spaces or tabulators etc.) is unacceptable. In order to facilitate reviewing the paper text lines should be numbered. Do not number headings of chapters and sub-chapters.

Upon receipt, the paper will be given a received date. Number all pages consecutively in the bottom right-hand corner. The approximate position of the tables and figures should be indicated in the left-hand margin. Scientific names must be italized. The manuscripts should include:

• Title; • Author(s)name(s);• Address(es):department(s),institution(s), location(s),post code, country (use only English letters);• Abstract;• Key words;• Introduction;• Materials and methods;• Results; • Discussion and conclusions;• Short acknowledgements (if you wish); • References;  • Figure Captions; • Figures; • Tables

 Title: Title should be as brief as clarity permits (max. 50 characters). Authors' names and addresses of institutions are included below. The name of the correspondence author to whom all correspondence will be sent should be marked with *, and the electronic address and phone number should be indicated in the address.

Abstract: The text of an abstract should not exceed 350 words for original papers and 150 words for the Brief Reports. Problems, objectives, methods employed and main results should be stated. Do not include figures, tables, undefined abbreviations, equations and references in the abstract.

Key words: Key words refer to all relevant key words including those already in the title.

Text: Following headings should be used such as Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and conclusions. Align headings to the left of the page.

The Introduction should provide a general orientation of the subject of the article and present the reasons for and the main aims of the study. It should be concise.

The Materials and methods must provide information enough to permit exact replication of the research. The methods should be described in details: type and amount of material, location of trials/sample plots, design and structure of trials, measured traits, time and number of measurements, methods and instruments/equipment used in measurements, methods of analysis/estimates, statistical methods and software used, models of ANOVA or/and regression, transformation of variables, assumptions, etc.

The Results should be concise and as objective and descriptive as possible. Refer to the figures and tables as Figure and Table. Common Latin abbreviations as e.g. (exempli gratia), i.e. (id est), etc. (et cetera), and other, are not italized. Latin words and phrases should be italized i.e. in situ, in vivo, in vitro etc. Statistical abbreviations should also be italized e.g.: P, r, t, t-test, F-test, CV. Put a space before and after all statistical abbreviations, mathematical symbols, mathematical operators ( + , - , > , < etc.) and numbers e.g. r = 0.55, P < 0.001. Do not use abbreviation of the word "Figure".  No discussion of the results is permitted in this part of the paper.

The Discussion and Conclusions should not repeat results and should be concisely written. These should point out the biological meaning and significance of the results. All the references cited in the text should indicate the author's name followed by the year of publication in brackets. For more than two authors, the first author's name should be followed by 'et al'. If several references are cited together, they are arranged chronologically such as (Ellenberg et al. 1992, Kouki et al. 2001). If two or more documents have the same author and year, they are distinguished by lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.), following the year and within the parentheses. For cited documents with no author, 'Anon' should be used. Where there are two authors, the ampersands are unacceptable. Please use 'and' (Jensen and Hofmann 2002). 

References: Do not number references. List all references cited at the end of paper alphabetically according to the first author. Abbreviations of journal titles should be avoided. Journal titles should be italized. Do not use the abbreviation pp. for journal citations. Do use pp. (plural) for citations of books, reports and booklets. Authors must provide doi numbers for all of the references if they are available.

For periodicals
Verbylaitė, R., Pliūra, A., Lygis, V., Suchockas, V., Jankauskienė, J. and Labokas, J. 2017. Genetic diversity and its spatial distribution in self-regenerating Norway spruce and Scots pine stands. Forests 8(12): 470-487. doi:10.3390/f8120470

For edited symposia, special issues
Iwata, M., Hirano, T. and Hasewaga, S. 1982. Radial variation in black alder. Genetics of Alders. Proc. 13th NEFTIC conf., 1981: 17-25.

For books

Eckerberg, K. 1987. Environmental protection in Swedish forestry: A study of the implementation process. University of Umeå, Umeå, 220 pp.

For multi-author books
Kandler, O. 1992. The German forest decline situation: a complex of diseases. In: P.D. Manion and D. Lanchance (Editors), Forest decline concepts. St. Paul, Minnesota, p. 181-190.

For unpublished reports, departmental notes, etc.
Arminas, A. 1995. Forest conditions in Lithuania. Lith. For. Res. Inst., Dep. Note SIN/261 (unpubl.). 9 pp.

The non-English references (e.g. Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, etc.) must be translated into English. Directly after a non-English title, insert the English translation in angle brackets [ ] followed by the punctuation of the mother sentence. The original title is to be retained and a notation (in Russian) or (in Lithuanian with English abstract) should be added

Vilčinskas, J. 1931. Medynų prieaugis Lietuvos miškuose [Wood increment in Lithuanian forests]. Mūsų girios 7: 315-328, (in Lithuanian)

Tables: Tables are to be submitted as editable Word files in Table format, not as pictures. Tables, planned to fit a printed width of either 8 or 16 cm, should be typed on separate pages, and collected at the end of the text. Larger tables should be avoided. Their approximate position should be indicated in the margin of paper. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and furnished with explanatory headings. Do not use vertical and inner horizontal lines to separate each column and row (include horizontal lines above and below the column header, and at the bottom of table only). Leave some space between columns instead. Text and numbers within tables have to be in Arial fonts, 9-10 pt. All explanations important to the understanding of the table should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Figures: Figures should be only of high-resolution at a minimum of 1000x1000 px , suitable for the direct reproduction and on a scale for reduction to half their original size. Authors should ensure that numerical and alphabetic notations are large enough to be fully legible after reduction (a suitable final size for fonts, symbols and numbers there is 2-3 mm). Graphs should be made preferably by using their initial format as Excel. Figures should be planned to appear with a maximum final width of 8, 12 or 16 cm. Figures are numbered in Arabic numerals. The list of captions should be typed on the separate page. Figures should be prepared exclusively with black-and-white or grey-scale settings unless they are meant to be printed in colour. Colour figures in print could be used only in cases where there is a clear need. The additional costs for printing illustrations must be paid after paper acceptance for publication. If authors are willing and able to pay the associated charges, they should indicate their request, preferably upon submission, and indicate which figures are intended for colour in print version. To avoid inaccuracies please check all information.

Changes in Authorship: Requests to add / remove an author or to re-arrange the author names are acceptable from the corresponding author of the paper before its acceptance for publication. If the author order changes from the initial submission during peer reviewing, the corresponding author must provide evidence of approval by all the authors. If an author is being added after the initial submission, the corresponding author must provide an explanation of the addition as well as approval by all the initial authors and approval of the author being added.