is available for all who are interested in the forest science.
Journal orders are available on request. To subscribe to the journal, you have to pay for your subscription by bank transfer and Journal’s invoice. The price is 170 € Euro (foreign/over sea) a year. Subscription is pre-paid. All prices and publication dates are subject to change without notice. Print copies of the journal are sent by standard mail to all countries.
Recently published single issues from the current volume are available from the Editorial Office. Please send us your query to obtain the current single issue rate.
The e-mail query is available.
Back issues including online issue from 2004 to 2015 are accessible from Editorial Office at the current single issue rate. Complete back volumes are sold at the current volume rate.
Back issues(Annual Subscription):
Printed issue only - €170
Online issue only - € 170
Printed + Online issues - €190
Claims for missing issues will be met, free of charge, if made within six months of the dispatch date.
Orders, queries, and claims for Baltic Forestry journal should be addressed to the Editorial Office:
Baltic Forestry
Editorial Office
Institute of Forestry,
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Liepu st. 1 Girionys LT-53101
Kaunas district
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