Treinys, R. and Mozgeris. G. 2010. Relationship between the Productivity of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina and Forest Characteristics at the Macrohabitat Level.  Baltic Forestry 16 (1): 87-92

Until now, forest characteristics of Lesser Spotted Eagle macrohabitat have received very little attention. Productivity relationships with macrohabitat forest characteristics are also undiscovered despite the fact that forests cover a considerable part of the Lesser Spotted Eagle macrohabitats. We investigated forest age and tree species composition in Lesser Spotted Eagle macrohabitats and their relationships with productivity of the species. The species at the macrohabitat level significantly avoided coniferous, pine and middle-aged forests and preferred deciduous, black alder and mature forests. We found no evidence that forest age and tree species composition in Lesser Spotted Eagle macrohabitats were related to the productivity of the species. We suggest that the population of the species can be adversely affected by unbalanced forestry not only at the nest-site, but also at the landscape level.

Key words: Aquila pomarina, preference, productivity, forest, macrohabitat