The quality and quantity of valuable natural areas is assessed through the prism of benefits derived from all the functions performed by them, among which tourist and recreational functions play an increasingly important role. The main purpose of this paper was to determine economic benefits obtained by tourists visiting the “Nad Tanwią” nature reserve located in the south-eastern part of Poland, calculated using the travel cost method, TCM. The survey method was used as part of the research. Surveys were conducted from May to September 2017 on a group of 341 respondents. Data regarding the length of the visit and the amount of costs related to the stay in the reserve were subject to statistical analysis using the CART method. The results of the survey showed that the respondents reported a need for 14 types of visits depending on their duration. The value of the consumer surplus amounted to PLN 986/person, and the value of the gross benefit amounted to PLN 1,069/ person. The value of the consumer surplus, which was the share of tourists visiting the reserve during the year, amounted to PLN 108 million, and the gross value of non-market benefits for this group was PLN 118 million. The developed model of travel costs in the reserve allows for the assessment of recreational benefits of this place. The development of tourism and recreation in areas attractive in terms of nature contributes to improvement regarding meeting recreational needs of tourists and the existing transportation infrastructure.
Keywords: leisure, tourism, valuation, protected area, “Nad Tanwią” nature reserve, travel cost method, consumer surplus