Mixed commercial plantation forests often receive little or no attention in terms of conservation of protected habitats and species. This study was aimed at assessing the value of such habitats for bats. In July 2015 we used standardised mist netting in 11 locations within and near the Natura 2000 sites “Nietoperek” and “Buczyny Łagowsko-Sulęcińskie” in western Poland. Particular attention was paid to mixed plantation forest, usually dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Natural and protected habitats, i.e. riparian woodlands and beech forest were also investigated for comparison. In total 96 bats of 12 species were caught. The highest number of bats (15.0 individuals caught per night) and the highest biodiversity index (H ́) was recorded in localities situated in mixed plantation forest. Contrary to common evaluation of this type of habitat, mixed plantation forest may serve important role for local bat populations by providing commuting corridors and possibly also foraging areas.
Keywords: Barbastella barbastellus, bat conservation, coniferous plantations, Myotis myotis