Three tree-ring chronologies of white pine (Pinus strobus), a species which are non-native to Europe, were constructed for Suuremõisa, Jädivere and Järvselja sites in Estonia. These chronologies were related to instrumental climate records and Scots pine (P. sylvestris) chronologies from nearby sites. Growth rates of P. strobus exceeded those of P. sylvestris. The chronologies of the non-native and native pine species relatively well correlated with each other. Moreover, tree-ring growth of both species correlated positively with late-winter and spring (February–May) temperatures and negatively with spring (April) precipitation. While P. strobus growth was positively associated with summer precipitation, the growth of P. sylvestris remained positively related to the growing season temperatures. Both species exhibited a negative growth anomaly from 1939 to 1942.
Keywords: Pinus strobus, Pinus sylvestris, dendroclimatology, Estonia