- Jacek Piętka, Damian Byk and Adam Byk. 2021. Octopus stinkhorn Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring, an alien stinkhorn fungus (Phallaceae), in north-eastern Poland. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 174-179, article id 574. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF574. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Jan Dawid Sikora 2021. The frequency method in studying habitat preferences of common forest birds . Baltic Forestry 27(2): 180-188 , article id 540. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF540. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Vladimir V. Belkin, Aleksandr M. Rykov, Fyodor V. Fyodorov* and Viktor A. Ilyukha. 2021. Phenological observations on protected areas associated with brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) ecology . Baltic Forestry 27(2): 189-198, article id 618. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF618. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Arta Bārdule*, Andis Bārdulis, Kaspars Polmanis, Linards Ludis Krumšteds, Aldis Butlers, Jeļena Stola, Ilona Skranda, Dana Purviņa, Zaiga Anna Zvaigzne, Edgars Muižnieks, Zane Lībiete, Uldis Zvirbulis, Ivars Kļaviņš, Jurģis Jansons and Andis Lazdiņš. 2021. Trends of Scots pine forest health and element flow changes in ICP Forests monitoring sites in Latvia. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 199-215, article id 536. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF536. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Arkadiusz Gendek, Monika Aniszewska, Ewa Tulska and Joanna Siwek. 2021.Morphological variability of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) cones in the context of seed extraction. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 216-224, article id 498. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF498. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Peter Rantucha*, Katarína Remišováb and Jakub Rantuch. 2021. The influence of synthetic foaming agents on germination of coniferous species. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 225-231, article id 317. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF317. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Arta Bārdule*, Guna Petaja, Aldis Butlers, Dana Purviņa and Andis Lazdiņš. 2021. Estimation of litter input in hemi-boreal forests with drained organic soils for improvement of GHG inventories. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 232-246, article id 534. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF534. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Bouzid Nedjimi* and Brahim Guit. 2021. Salinity and temperature influencing seed germination of Mediterranean Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.): An ecological adaptation to saline environments . Baltic Forestry 27(2): 247-252, article id 544. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF544. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Neno Aleksandrov and Toma Tonchev. 2021. Ecosystem fit of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations in Southwestern Bulgaria. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 253-265, article id 601. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF601. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Konstantin Bahchevandziev and Nikola Mihajlovski. 2021. Surface retention of polyurethane and acrylic coatings on impregnated spruce wood (Picea abies Karst) and comparison with some wood preservatives. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 266-270, article id 223. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF223. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Şükrü Özşahin and Hilal Singer. 2021. The Use of an Artificial Neural Network for Predicting the Gloss of Thermally Densified Wood Veneers. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 271-278, article id 422. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF422. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Merja Lähdesmäki* and Anne Matilainen. 2021. Female forest owners as a market segment? Results from a marketing experiment in the context of a small forest service enterprise. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 279-288, article id 606. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF606. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Natalia Korcz* and Radosław Lewoń. 2021. Social Media as an opportunity or a blind alley in social communication and forest education? - experiences from Poland. Baltic Forestry 27(2): 289-295, article id 602. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF602. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Gediminas Survila, Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė* and Kęstutis Armolaitis. 2021. Deep soil ploughing for afforestation: a review of potential impacts on soil and vegetation. REVIEW PAPER.Baltic Forestry 27(2): 296-306, article id 590. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF590. |Abstract| |Full Text|