2021 27 (1) - Table of contents

  • Vikki Bengtsson*, Anna Stenström, C. Philip Wheater, Karin Sandberg. 2021. The Impact of ash dieback on veteran trees in Southwestern Sweden. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 2-9, article id 558. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF558. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Pauls Zeltiņš, Arnis Gailis, Inga Zariņa. 2021. Long-term performance of Norway spruce in two provenance trials in Latvia. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 10-17, article id 195. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF195. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Jiří Kadlec*, Kateřina Novosadová, Radek Pokorný. 2021. Preliminary results from planting of semi-arid hybrid of Paulownia clone in vitro 112 under conditions of the Czech Republic (CR) . Baltic Forestry 27(1): 18-25, article id 195. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF477. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Valery Fomin*, Anna Mikhailovich, Sergey Zalesov, Artem Popov, Gennadiy Terekhov. 2021. Development of ideas within the framework of the genetic approach to the classification of forest types . Baltic Forestry 27(1): 26-39, article id 466. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF466. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Alexander Seliger, Stephanie Puffpaff, Michael Manthey, Juergen Kreyling. 2021. Management options for the conversion of allochthonous coniferous forest patches towards more natural species composition in the Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft National Park, NE Germany. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 40-54, article id 533. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF533. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Vidas Stakėnas, Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė and Audrius Kabašinskas. 2021. A methodological approach for the assessment of basic crown parameters in Scots pine stands. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 55-63, article id 551. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF551. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Pille Tomson, Tanel Kaart and Kalev Sepp. 2021. Forest soil charcoal and historical land use. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 64-71, article id 478. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF478. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Vitas Marozas, Jurgita Sasnauskiene. 2021. Changes of ground vegetation after shelter wood cuttings in pine forests, hemi boreal zone, Lithuania. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 72-79, article id 154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF154. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Ina Gorban and Virginija Podėnienė. 2021. Tipulomorpha and Bibionomorpha in Dead Ash and Aspen Wood. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 80-85, article id 538. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF538. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Paweł Piekarczyk, Katarzyna Tajchman*, Olgirda Belova and Maciej Wójcik. 2021. Crop damage by wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) depending on the crop composition in Central-Eastern. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 86-96, article id 552. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF552. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Tomasz Dudek*, Mykola Korol, Serhii Havryliuk, Vasyl Dychkevych and Andrzej Bobiec. 2021. The dendrometric characteristics of oak woods in rural landscapes of East Carpathians. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 97-104, article id 336. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF336. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Krzysztof Kujawa*, Krzysztof Janku, Mostefa Mana and Adam Choryński. 2021. The loss of woody linear landscape elements in agriculture landscape in Wielkopolska region (Poland) in 21st century. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 105-113, article id 459. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF459. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Аleksandr Egorov*, Aleksandr Bubnov, Lidiya Pavluchenkova, Anna Partolina and Anton Postnikov. 2021. Applying chemical control to suppress liverwort (Marсhantia polymorpha L.) and other mosses when growing containerized seedlings of pine and spruce. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 114-120, article id 288. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF288. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Aleh Marozau*, Uladzimir Kotsan and Adam Kalishuk. 2021. Reintroduction of the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Białowieża Forest. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 121-131, article id 527. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF527. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Ramezanali Akbari Mazdi, Asadollah Mataji, Asghar Fallah. 2021. Canopy Gap Dynamics, Disturbances, and Natural Regeneration Patterns in a Beech-Dominated Hyrcanian. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 132-141, article id 535. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF535. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Przemysław Pikiński*, Jarosław Szaban, Gerda Šilingienė, Robert Korzeniewicz and Witold Pazdrowski. 2021. Selected physical and mechanical properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood from stands of younger age classes as criteria for rational utilization of timber. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 142-149, article id 363. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF363. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Nebahat Yildirim* and İbrahim Turna. 2021. Leaf morphological variation of Quercus pontica K. Koch natural populations in Turkey. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 150-156, article id 541. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF541. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Bogna Zawieja, Krzysztof Turczański*, Tomasz Najgrakowski and Katarzyna Kaźmierczak. 2021. The use of measurable traits of trunk and crown to assess the biosocial classes of oak trees (Quercus robur L.). Baltic Forestry 27(1): 157-165, article id 542. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF542. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Miłosz Tkaczyk, Laura Celma, Dainis Edgars Ruņģis and Gunita Bokuma. 2021. First report about Brenneria goodwinii and Gabriella quercinecans, occurrence on oak in Poland. Baltic Forestry 27(1): 166-169, article id 563 (Brief report). DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF563. |Abstract| |Full Text|
  • Olgirda Belova. 2021. Beaver under spotlight in the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Forestry 27(1), article id 582 (Chronicle). DOI: https://doi.org/10.46490/BF582. |Abstract| |Full Text|