- Onefeli, A. O.* and Stanys, A. 2019. Phylogenetic Study of African Combretaceae R. Br. Based on rbcL Sequence. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 170-177. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Szczepkowski,* A., Gierczyk, B. and Kujawa, A. 2019. Buglossoporus quercinus, a rare wood-inhabiting fungus on ancient oak trees in Poland: ecology, distribution and extinction risk assessment. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 178-186. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Hauke-Kowalska, M., Borowiak, E., Barzdajn, W., Kowalkowski, W., Korzeniewicz, R. and Wawro, T. 2019. Cone and seeds variability in seed orchards and seed stands of Pinus sylvestris. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 187-192. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Davydenko*, K., Borysova, V., Shcherbak, O., Kryshtop, Y. and Meshkova, V. 2019. The Situation and Perspectives of European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in Ukraine: Focus on the Eastern Border. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 193-202. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Arsenov*, D., Nikolić, N., Borišev, M., Župunski, M., Orlović, S., Pilipović, A. and Pajević, S. 2019. Greenhouse Assessment of Citric Acid-Assisted Phytoremediation of Cadmium by Willows (Salix spp.) – Effect on Photosynthetic Performances and Metal Tolerance. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 203-212. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Kõlli*, R., Kauer, K. and Tõnutare, T. 2019. Topsoil acidity of forested mineral lands in Estonia. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 213-222. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Pietrasz, K., Chodkiewicz, T., Sikora, D., Ślęzak, M. and Woźniak, B. 2019. Keystone Role of Eurasian Beaver, Castor fiber, in Creating the Suitable Habitat over the Core Breeding Range for Forest Specialist Species the Three-Toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 223-227. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Nummi, P.*, Väänänen,V.-M., Pekkarinen, A.-J., Eronen,V., Mikkola-Roos, M., Nurmi, J., Rautiainen, A. and Rusanen, P. 2019. Alien Predation in Wetlands – the Raccoon Dog and Waterbird Breeding Success. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 228-237. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Vlad, R., Sidor, C.-G.,*, Dinca, L., Constandache, C., Grigoroaea, D., Ispravnic, A. and Pei, G. 2019. Dead Wood Diversity in a Norway Spruce Forest from the Călimani National Park (the Eastern Carpathians). Baltic Forestry 25(2): 238-248. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Staniaszek-Kik, M., Żarnowiec, J. and Chmura, D.*. 2019. The Effect of Forest Management Practices on the Deadwood Resources and Structure in Protected and Managed Montane Forests During Tree-stand Reconstruction after a Dieback of Norway Spruce. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 249-256. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Straigytė, L.*, Vaidelys, T., Žalkauskas, R. and Manton, M. 2019. Impact of Urban Green Spaces, Native Tree Species and Seasons on Soil pH in Kaunas, Lithuania. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 257-262. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Albulescu, A.-C.* and Larion, D. 2019. Application of Fuzzy and Classical Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods in Assessing the Forest Area Preservation Level of Romania’s Counties. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 263-272. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Kulbokas, G., Jurevičienė, V., Kuliešis, A., Augustaitis, A., Petrauskas, E., Mikalajūnas, M., Vitas, A. and Gintautas Mozgeris*. 2019. Fluctuations in Gross Volume Increment Estimated by the Lithuanian National Forest Inventory Compared with Annual Variations in Single Tree Increment. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 273-280. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Özşahin, Ş., Singer, H., Temiz, A. and Yıldırım, İ. 2019. Selection of Softwood Species for Structural and Non-Structural Timber Construction by Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Baltic Forestry 25(2): 281-288. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Kulak, D.*, Stańczykiewicz, A. and Szewczyk, G. 2019. Disturbance to Outer Soil Layers Depending on the Season of Timber Harvesting. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 289-295. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Kasesalu, H., Läänelaid, A. and Roht, U. 2019. Sitka spruce in Estonia. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 296-302. Review paper. |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Metslaid, M. 2019. International Workshop: “New Solutions for Forest Regeneration“. Baltic Forestry 25(2): 303 (Chronicle). |Abstract| |Full Text|
- Belova, O. 2019. Wildlife: Coexistence or Opposite? Baltic Forestry 25(2): 304-307 (Chronicle). |Abstract| |Full Text|