A long-term introduction experiment conducted in 2009–2016 revealed that in the harshest weather conditions of the northern part of Belarus associated with a difficult environmental situation in a trial area, on weakly-decomposed acid sphagnum peat and with the lack of artificial watering, lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) due to the significant tolerance to harsh conditions in the environment is still able to fulfil its bioproductive potential. Lowbush blueberry plants formed a continuous bush cover and showed high resistance to cold. A sustainable cultivated plantation formed. Plant cover protected a peat substrate from fires, water and wind erosion, and showed a high level of berry fruit productivity during the whole recorded period. It proves the appropriateness of the ecological-biological type of the species to the extreme weather and conditions of the experiment. However, lowbush blueberry plants showed a need for improved mineral nutrition. The implementation of these conditions is a guarantee of successful introduction of the plant on the cutover raised-bog peatlands in northern Belarus.
Keywords: lowbush blueberry, cutover raised-bog peatland, introduction