- Danusevičius, D., Kavaliauskas, D. and Fussi, B. 2016. Optimum Sample Size for SSR-based Estimation of Representative Allele Frequencies and Genetic Diversity in Scots Pine Populations. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 194-202.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Misi, D.* and Náfrádi, K. 2016. Late Winter-Early Spring Thermal Conditions and Their Long-Term Effect on Tree-Ring Growth in Hungary. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 203-211.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Läänelaid, A.*, Helama, S. and Bijak, S. 2016. Assessments of Diameter Growth and Optimal Rotation Length for Even-aged Spruce Sites in Estonia. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 212-221.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Ozolinčius, R., Bareika, V., Rubinskienė, M., Viškelis, P., Mažeika, R. and Staugaitis, G. 2016. Chemical Composition of Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Downy Birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) Sap. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 222-229.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Matsiakh, I.*, Oszako, T., Kramarets, V. and Nowakowska, J. A. 2016. Phytophthora and Pythium Species Detected in Rivers of the Polish-Ukrainian Border Areas. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 230-238.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Vasaitis, R.*, Burnevica, N., Uotila, A., Dahlberg, A. and Kasanen, R. 2016. Cut Picea abies Stumps Constitute Low Quality Substrate for Sustaining Biodiversity in Fungal Communities. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 239-245.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Turek, K., Kamler, J.* and Procházka, L. 2016. The Impact of Thinning Type on Bark Stripping Damage Intensity Caused by Red deer (Cervus elaphus L.). Baltic Forestry 22(2): 246-250.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Albrycht, M.*, Merta, D., Bobek, J. and Ulejczyk, S. 2016. The Demographic Pattern of Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) Inhabiting Fragmented Forest in North-Eastern Poland. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 251-258.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Samec, P.*, Rychtecká, P., Tuček, P., Bojko, J., Zapletal, M. and Cudlín, P. 2016. A Static Model of Abiotic Predictors and Forest Ecosystem Receptor Designed Using Dimensionality Reduction and Regression Analysis. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 259-274.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Arumäe, T.* and Lang, M. 2016. A Validation of Coarse Scale Global Vegetation Height Map for Biomass Estimation in Hemiboreal Forests in Estonia. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 275-282.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Lang, M., Gulbe, L., Traškovs, A. and Stepčenko, A. 2016. Assessment of Different Estimation Algorithms and Remote Sensing Data Sources for Regional Level Wood Volume Mapping in Hemiboreal Mixed Forests. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 283-296.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Vasinauskienė, R. and Šilingienė, G. 2016. Temperature Field Distribution Character in the Upper Soil Layer of Forest Nurseries after Water Steam Treatment. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 297-306.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Hou, J., Chen, F., Chen, S. and Hou, B. 2016. Assessing the Sensitivity of Young Pine Trees (Pinus tabuliformis) to Climate Change at Moisture Stressed Sites in the Qinling Mountains, Central China. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 307-314.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Petrovic, J.*, Tomicevic-Dubljevic, J. and Stavretovic, N. 2016. Understanding Summer Visitors and their Attitudes to the Kopaonik National Park, Serbia. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 315-326.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Popa, B., Borz, S. A., Nita, M. D., Ioras, F., Iordache, E.*, Borlea, F., Pache, R. and Abrudan, I. V. 2016. Forest Ecosystem Services Valuation in Different Management Scenarios: a Case Study of the Maramures Mountains. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 327-340.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Turku, I.* and Kärki, T. 2016. Durability of Fire-Retarded Wood-Polypropylene Composites Exposed to Freeze-Thaw Cycling. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 341-347.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Sova, D., Bedelean, B.* and Sandu, V. 2016. Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimization of Wood Drying Conditions in a Pilot-Scale Kiln. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 348-356.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Poje, A., Potočnik, I., Danilović, M. and Antonić, S. 2016. A Case Study of the Impact of Skidding Distance on Tractor Operator Exposure to Noise. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 357-364.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Jäärats, A., Tullus, A. and Seemen, H. 2016. Growth and Survival of Bareroot and Container Plants of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies During Eight Years in Hemiboreal Estonia. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 365-374.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Naghdi, R.* and Mousavi, S.R. 2016. Impacts of Rubber-tired Skidder and Crawler Tractor on Forest Soil in the Mountainous Forests of Northern Iran. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 375-381.|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Petrokas, R. 2016. Appropriate Measures for Retention Forestry. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 382-389 (Review Paper).|Abstract| |Full Text|
- Kuusk, A.*, Kuusk, J. and Lang, M. 2016. Albedo of the Forested Landscape at the SMEAR-Estonia Research Station. Baltic Forestry 22(2): 390-395 (Brief Report).|Abstract| |Full Text|