- Pap, P., Stojnić, S., Nikolić, N., Orlović, S., Marković, M., Vasić, V. and Stevanov, M. 2014. Impact of Microsphaera alphitoides Griff. et Mau bl. on Leaf Physiological Parameters in Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) Saplings. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 2-9. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Pliūra, A., Marčiulynienė, D., Bakys, R. and Suchockas, V. 2014. Dynamics of Genetic Resistance to Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus in Juvenile Fraxinus excelsior Clones. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 10-27. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Zottele, F., Salvadori, C., Corradini, S., Andreis, D., Wolinsky, A. and Maresi, G.*2014. Chrysomyxa rhododendri in Trentino: a First Analysis of Monitoring Data. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 28-36. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Budeanu, M., Şofletea, N.* and Petritan, I. C. 2014. Among-population Variation in Quality Traits in Two Romanian Provenance Trials with Picea abies L. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 37-47. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Jansons, A., Matisons, R.*, Krisans, O., Puriņa, L., Dzēriņa, B. and Neimane, U. 2014. Height of the Mass Point and Some Properties of Crown of 26 Year Old Scots Pine and Lodgepole Pine as Potential Parameters for Wind Damage in Zvirgzde, Latvia. 2014. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 48-57. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Petrokas, R. and Pliūra, A. 2014. Persistence of Progenies of Wild Cherry (Prunus avium L.) at Northern Limit of Natural Distribution Range in Transfer to Lithuania. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 58-69. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Heinsoo, K.* and Dimitriou, I. 2014. Growth Performance of Willow Clones in Short Rotation Coppice after Sewage Sludge Application. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 70-77. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Āboliņa, E.*, Luzadis, V.A. and Lazdiņa, D. 2014. Analysis of the Adoption of Willow Growing Practice in Latvia. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 78-87. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Paže, A.*, Zandersons, J., Rižikovs, J., Dobele, G., Jurkjāne, V., Spince, B. and Tardenaka, A. 2014. Apparatus and Selective Solvents for Extraction of Triterpenes from Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) Outer Bark. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 88-97. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Rižikovs, J., *, Zandersons, J., Paže, A., Tardenaka, A. and Spince, B. 2014. Isolation of Suberinic Acids from Extracted Outer Birch Bark Depending on the Application Purposes. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 98-105. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Brazdausks, P. *, Puķe, M., Vedernikovs, N. and Krūma, I. 2014. Effect of the Amount of the Catalyst on the Formation of Furfural and Acetic Acid from Birch Wood in the Biomass Pretreatment Process. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 106-114. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Marčeta*, M. and Keča, Lj. 2014. Analysis of Sale of Non-Wood Forest Products from Northern Serbia on the Domestic and Foreign Markets. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 115-130. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Woziwoda, B.*, Potocki, M., Sagan, J., Zasada, M., Tomusiak, R. and Wilczyński, S. 2014. Commercial Forestry as a Vector of Alien Tree Species – the Case of Quercus rubra L. Introduction in Poland. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 131-141. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Hautamäki, S., Kilpeläinen, H. and Verkasalo, E.* 2014. Factors and Models for the Bending Properties of Sawn Timber from Finland and North-Western Russia. Part II: Scots Pine. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 142-156. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Tamme. V *, Muiste, P., Padari, A. and Tamme, H. 2014. Modelling of Resistance-Type Wood Moisture Meters for Three Deciduous Tree Species (Black Alder, Birch, Aspen) in Moisture Contents Above Fibre Saturation Point. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 157-166. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Grilli, G.*, Paletto, A. and De Meo, I. 2014. Economic Valuation of Forest Recreation in an Alpine Valley. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 167-175. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Nuutinen, Y.*, Laitila, J. and Rytkönen, E. 2014. Grinding of Stumps, Logging Residues and Small Diameter Wood Using a CBI 5800 Grinder with a Truck as a Base Machine. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 176-188. | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Lahtela, V.,* Hämäläinen, K. and Kärki, T. 2014. The Effects of Preservatives on the Properties of Wood after Modification – A Review. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 189-203 (Brief Report). | Abstract | | Full Text |
- Stobrawa, K. 2014. Poplars (Populus spp.): Ecological Role, Applications and Scientific Perspectives in the 21st Century. Baltic Forestry 20(1): 204-213 (Review Paper). | Abstract | | Full Text |