Metslaid, M., Köster, K., Jõgiste, K., Randver, T., Voolma, K. and Moser, W. K. 2013. The Effect of Bark Stripping by Moose on Scots Pine Height Growth: An Experimental Treatment. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 61 - 66

The damage caused by large herbivores feeding on forest trees is considerable. This study was carried out to determine the reaction of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees to mechanical bark stripping that imitates the damage to tree stems caused by moose (Alces alces L.). There was a significant difference between the height increment of control and damaged trees during first year after treatment. However, damaged trees quickly recovered and resumed growth. The differences among damage treatments (removing 30, 60, and 90% bark) were not significant. Tree size affects tree growth, which means that the growth reduction after bark stripping will be compounded over future tree growth and may determine the competition interrelations in stands.

Key words: bark stripping, damage, height growth, moose, Scots pine