2013 19 (1) - Number content

  • Buchovska, J. , Danusevičius, D., Baniulis, D., Stanys, V., Šikšnianienė, J.- B. and Kavaliauskas, D. 2013. The Location of the Northern Post-glacial Refugium of Scots Pine Based on the Mitochondrial DNA Markers. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 2 - 12. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Rugienius,R., Blažytė, A., Lukoševičiūtė, V., Šikšnianienė, J.-B., Frercks, B., Gelvonauskienė, D., Gelvonauskis, B., Sasnauskas, A., Baniulis, D. and Stanys, V. 2013. Genetic Polymorphism of Wild Pear Population in Lithuania. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 13 - 21. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Labokas, J. 2013 Quantitative Evaluation of Leaflet Shape in Fragaria vesca and F. viridis Using Image Analysis and Elliptic Fourier Descriptors. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 22 - 30. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Petäistö, R.-L. and Hantula, J. 2013. Artificial Infection and Development of Snow Mold Fungus (Phacidium infestans) in Container-Grown Norway Spruce Seedlings. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 31 - 38. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Kļaviņa, D., Gaitnieks, T. and Menkis, A. 2013. Survival, Growth and Ectomycorrhizal Community Development of Container and Bare-root Grown Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies Seedlings Outplanted on a Forest Clear-cut. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 39 - 49. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Janušauskaitė, D., Baliuckas, V. and Dabkevičius, Z. 2013. Needle Litter Decomposition and Enzyme Activities on Dune Sands and Soil Properties as Affected by Native Pinus sylvestris L. and Alien Pinus mugo of Different Ages. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 50 - 60. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Metslaid, M., Köster, K., Jõgiste, K., Randver, T., Voolma, K. and Moser, W. K. 2013. The Effect of Bark Stripping by Moose on Scots Pine Height Growth: An Experimental Treatment. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 61 - 66. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Belova, O. 2013. The Impact of Moose (Alces alces L.) on Woody Vegetation and Potential Role of Ecological Corridors in the Transboundary Forests. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 67 - 80. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Walczak, Ł., Kosiński, Z. and Stachura-Skierczyńska, K. 2013. Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Middle Spotted Woodpeckers Revealed by Forest Inventory Data. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 81 - 88.  |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Gerasimov, Y., Sokolov, A. and Fjeld, D. 2013. Improving Cut-to-length Operations Management in Russian Logging Companies Using a New Decision Support System. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 89 - 105. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Hautamäki, S., Kilpeläinen, H. and Verkasalo, E. 2013. Factors and Models for the Bending Properties of Sawn Timber from Finland and North-Western Russia. Part I: Norway Spruce. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 106 - 119. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Irbe, I., Sable, I., Treimanis, A. and Jansons, A. 2013. Variation in the Tracheid Dimensions of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm) Trees Grown in Latvia. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 120 - 127. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Grekin, M. and Verkasalo, E. 2013. Variations in and Models for Brinell Hardness of Scots Pine Wood from Finland and Sweden. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 128 - 136. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Matisons, R., Elferts, D. and Brūmelis, G. 2013. Possible Signs of Growth Decline of Pedunculate Oak in Latvia During 1980–2009 in Tree-ring Width and Vessel Size. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 137 - 142. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Petrauskas, E., Bartkevičius, E., Rupšys, P. and Memgaudas, R. 2013. The Use of Stochastic Differential Equations to Describe Stem Taper and Volume. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 143 - 151. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Ranković,N., Pantić, D. and Keča, L. 2013. Relationship between Timber Value and Beech Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 152 - 160. |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Viiri, H. and Miettinen, O. 2013. Feeding preferences of Hylobius pinastri Gyll. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 161 - 164 (Brief Report). |Abstract | |Full Text |
  • Voolma, K. 2013. Recent doctoral theses from Estonia. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 165 (Chronicle) |Full Text | 
  • Belova, O. 2013. In Memoriam. Baltic Forestry 19(1): 166-167 (Chronicle) |Full Text |