- Schotte, L. 2000. Policy Issues in Forestry and Timber Markets. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 2-7 | Full Text
- Kairiūkštis, L., Venclovienė, J. 2000. Ciclicity in Fluctuations of the Tree Increment as an Expression of the Ecoclimatic Background. Baltic Forestry, 6(1): 8-17 | Full Text
- Indriksons, A., Zâlîtis, P. 2000. The Impact of Hydrotechnical Drainage on the Cycle of Some Biogenous Elements in Forest. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 18-24 | Full Text
- Pikk, J., Seemen, H. 2000. Loss of Peat on Drained Peatlands in Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 25-29 | Full Text
- Mandre, M. 2000. Stress Induced Changes in Lignin and Nutrient Partitioning in Picea abies (L.) Karst. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 30-36 | Full Text
- Kupčinskienė, E., Nemaniūtė, J., Dailidienė, D., Krasauskas, A. 2000. The Investigations of Needle Surface Characteristics Pinus sylvestris trees near the Sources of Industrial Pollution. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 37-46 | Full Text
- Vares, A. 2000. Biomass, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Allocation in Above-ground Parts of Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) Plantations. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 47-52 | Full Text
- Luik, A., Sibul, I., Voolma, K. 2000. Influence of Some Plant Extracts and Neem Preparations on the Maturation Feeding of the Large Pine Weevil, Hylobius abietis L. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 53-58 | Full Text
- Pliūra, A., Kundrotas, V., Suchockas, V. 2000. Natural Regeneration on Narrow Strip Clear-cuts of Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) Stands. Baltic Forestry, 6(1): 59-67 | Full Text
- Tervo, L. 2000. Technical Development in Forest Regeneration in Finland. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 68-73 | Full Text
- Ivask, M., Truu, J., Truu, M., Löhmus, K., Ostonen, I. 2000. Earthworm Lumbricidae Community in Alder and Aspen Forest: Three Case Studies. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 74-77 | Full Text
- Belova, O. 2000. The Third European Congress of Mammalogy: Problems and Impressions. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 78-79 (Chronicle) | Full Text
- Kairiūkštis, L. 2000. The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Has Elected Forester Lennart Schotte a Foreign Member. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 79 (Chronicle) | Full Text
- Ecological management of forest: a challenge of the future Proclamation of the 3rd International Congress of PRO SILVA Europe. Proclamation of Hanover. Baltic Forestry, 6 (1): 80-82 (Chronicle) | Full Text